4 min read


Metabolic therapy involves using a group of drugs called metabolic inhibitors. These metabolic inhibitors interrupt the production of energy in the cancer cells rendering them more sensitive to other cancer fighting approaches.

WORST FOODS THAT FEED CANCER? Over the last several decades, certain foods have been vilified as being potentially carcinogenic, or capable of causing cancer. So which ones are the biggest culprits? And how can you eat to prevent cancer or reduce the chances of a recurrence if you've been diagnosed?

Homemade beef burgers with crispy bacon and vegetables in small pans and glass of wheat beer on rustic serving board over shabby wooden background, top view, copy space, horizontal composition

The list of potentially cancer-causing foods includes:

  • Red and processed meat.
  • Sugar.
  • Alcohol.
  • Processed and packaged foods
Lody Health Klinik

Metabolic Therapy


What is Metabolic Therapy?

Cancer cells need sugar and glutamine for replication. Metabolic therapy involves using a strict ketogenic diet and a group of drugs called metabolic inhibitors. These metabolic inhibitors interrupt the production of energy in the cancer cells rendering them more sensitive to other cancer fighting approaches. As cancer has special metabolic needs — namely its high sugar and glutamine dependence  — these needs can be used against the cancer cells by using special metabolic inhibitors and diet.

Treatments to help weaken the cancer cells’ resistance ability and capacity to spread by inhibiting cancer cells’ energy production.

Certain types of cancers develop from being exposed to toxins such as food additives, preservatives, pesticides, and industrial pollution. The removal of these toxins through dietary and detoxification regimens allows the body to fight the cancer and heal naturally — which is what metabolic therapy entails.

Metabolic Cancer Treatment

Metabolic cancer therapy removes harmful substances from the body through a combination of special and restricted diets, nutritional supplements, and other lifestyle changes. When implemented correctly, this treatment strengthens the body’s resistance to illness and disease, thereby slowing or stopping the development and progression of cancer. The dietary changes in question are based on consuming whole foods (i.e. natural and unprocessed foods) .


How Metabolic Cancer Therapy Works

Like normal cells, cancer cells need energy to grow and multiply. This energy is mostly derived from glucose (sugar found in the blood) and glutamine. However, unlike normal cells, cancer cells use 200 times more sugar to fuel their growth.

For a long time, it was believed that this was simply a distinct feature of cancer cells. But new insights into how cancer cells make energy have led to novel treatments that are more effective and less toxic than traditional cancer therapies.

In particular, metabolic therapy involves following special diets and using a group of drugs called metabolic inhibitors to control cancers fuel sources. These inhibitors interrupt the production of energy in cancer cells, thereby making the tumors weaker and much more sensitive to other cancer treatments.


Some types of Metabolic Therapy:

  • Ketogenic Diet
    We use the ketogenic diet in a modified technique and monitoring, to ensure safety and minimize loss of muscle mass. The diet can lower the energy levels of the cancer cells, as well as kill them directly because the ketone bodies produced through this diet are toxic to many cancer cells. Furthermore, it can potentially play a huge role in frailty prevention which is often experienced by cancer patients.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
    Cancer growth and many cancer features are driven by a lack of oxygen in the body. Therefore, exposure to hyperbaric oxygen can reverse many hallmarks of cancer. Secondly, HBOT has the ability to directly kill cancer cells and also potentiates other types of cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, laser, hyperthermia, and immunotherapy, and contributes to the patient’s quality of life by reducing cancer-related fatigue.

THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW: Metabolic reprogramming contributes to tumor development and introduces metabolic liabilities that can be exploited to treat cancer. Chemotherapies targeting metabolism have been effective cancer treatments for decades, and the success of these therapies demonstrates that a therapeutic window exists to target malignant metabolism.

New insights into the differential metabolic dependencies of tumors have provided novel therapeutic strategies to exploit altered metabolism, some of which are being evaluated in pre-clinical models or clinical trials. Medical specialists review our current understanding of cancer metabolism and discuss how this might guide treatments targeting the metabolic requirements of tumor cells

THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE: A table full of doctor receipts, hopital bills, insurance claims, and headaches.

ZENTRAVELER SAYS: Want to avoid and beat cancer? You are the captain of your ship (body and health) Listen to the professionals and eat a healthy diet and get more exercise...easy peasy: opposite effect sends you to doctors and the hospital and strips your hard earned money. This is one LIFE LESSON YOU NEED TO LEARN AND AS A BONUS ADDS PEACE AND YEARS TO YOUR LIFESPAN.

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