5 min read

Unlocking the Secrets of 3,6,9: ON Tesla’s Theory of Numbers

Unlocking the Secrets of 3,6,9: ON Tesla’s Theory of Numbers

Nikola Tesla is Known for his groundbreaking work in the field of electrical engineering and his contributions to the development of the modern world. One area of Tesla’s research that is often overlooked , however , is his fascination with the significance of numbers.

Tesla was particularly intrigued by the number 3 , 6 , and 9 , which he believed held the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. According to Tesla, these numbers formed the Fundamental building blocks of the universe and had a profound impact on everything from energy and frequency to the structure of matter itself.

Tesla’s theory of 3,6,9 is Based on the concept of reducing any number to a single digit by adding together its individual digits. For example, 369 reduces to 9 (3+6+9=18 , 1+8=9 ) . Tesla believed that 3 , 6 , and 9 were the most important digits in this system , and that all other numbers could be understood in relation to these three .

One of the Most fascinating Aspects of Tesla’s theory of 3,6,9 is its relationship to energy and frequency . According to Tesla , 3 , 6 , and 9 are the only numbers that can exist as Energy without losing their identity. This concept is supported by modern physics , Which recognizes the importance of these numbers in the study of atomic and subatomic particles.

Tesla’s theory of 3,6,9 has Also been Connected to other ancient philosophies and belief Systems , including Hinduism and Buddhism. In these traditions, the number 108 (which reduces to 9 in Tesla’s system) is considered a Sacred number and is associated with the universe and the divine.

While Tesla’s theory of 3,6,9 may seem esoteric , its implications are profound . By understanding the significance of these numbers , we can unlock the secrets of the universe and harness their power to create a better world.

Tesla’s theory of 3,6,9 is a Fascinating and complex concept that has captivated the imagination of scientists , philosophers, and seekers of truth for generations. By exploring the significance of 3, 6, and 9, we can unlock the mysteries of the universe and discover the true power of numbers.

In Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he stayed from May 1899 until early 1900, Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery—terrestrial stationary waves. By this discovery he proved that Earth could be used as a conductor and made to resonate at a certain electrical frequency. He also lit 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 40 km (25 miles) and created man-made lightning, producing flashes measuring 41 metres (135 feet). At one time he was certain he had received signals from another planet in his Colorado laboratory, a claim that was met with derision in some scientific journals.

Returning to New York in 1900, Tesla began construction on Long Island of a wireless world broadcasting tower, with $150,000 capital from the American financier J. Pierpont Morgan. Tesla claimed he secured the loan by assigning 51 percent of his patent rights of telephony and telegraphy to Morgan. He expected to provide worldwide communication and to furnish facilities for sending pictures, messages, weather warnings, and stock reports. The project was abandoned because of a financial panic, labour troubles, and Morgan’s withdrawal of support. It was Tesla’s greatest defeat.

Tesla’s work then shifted to turbines and other projects. Because of a lack of funds, his ideas remained in his notebooks, which are still examined by enthusiasts for unexploited clues. In 1915 he was severely disappointed when a report that he and Edison were to share the Nobel Prize proved erroneous. Tesla was the recipient of the Edison Medal in 1917, the highest honour that the American Institute of Electrical Engineers could bestow.

THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW: After Tesla’s death the custodian of alien property impounded his trunks, which held his papers, his diplomas and other honours, his letters, and his laboratory notes. These were eventually inherited by Tesla’s nephew, Sava Kosanovich, and later housed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Hundreds filed into New York City’s Cathedral of St. John the Divine for his funeral services, and a flood of messages acknowledged the loss of a great genius. Three Nobel Prize recipients addressed their tribute to “one of the outstanding intellects of the world who paved the way for many of the technological developments of modern times.”

THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE: A rolled up wad of alumunium foil the size of a baseball. Install in any tv set and receive for free all of the tv stations in the world.

ZENTRAVELER SAYS: The first law of thermodynamics simply states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed: it is the conservation of energy. [1] Thus, power generation processes and energy sources involve the conversion of energy from one form to another, rather than the creation of energy from nothing. Metabolism is one example of the first law of thermodynamics in action in the human body: the conversion of food into energy, which is then utilized by the body to perform activities. On a similar note and adaptation of the first law of thermodynamics, human body heat can be converted into useful energy.


The average human, at rest, produces around 100 watts of power. [2] Over periods of a few minutes, humans can comfortably sustain 300-400 watts; and in the case of very short bursts of energy, such as sprinting, some humans can output over 2,000 watts. [2] The bulk of this energy is required for important tasks, such as pumping your heart and flexing your muscles, but a lot of it is wasted, primarily as heat. [3] Almost all of this wasted energy could be captured and turned into electricity. Furthermore, this process could then augment or completely replace reliance on batteries.

Battery technology is accompanied by a huge limitation when it comes to modern technology. If batteries could be removed from the equation, it would suddenly be possible to have wearable computers: computers wrapped around your wrist, embedded in your shoes, or woven into your clothes. To do this, only a few watts of power from the human body would need to be captured; a negligible amount that would probably have zero effect on the body.

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