5 min read

Tai Chi: Exercise Mind and Body

Stroll through a Chinese city early in the morning, and you’re likely to see groups of people exercising in the park. You’ll see them moving through a series of slow, graceful movements. As their bodies flow from one exercise to the next, their minds are focused only on their deep, relaxed breathing.

This ancient mind-body exercise is known as tai chi (pronounced: ty CHEE), and you don't have to live in China to benefit from it. According to a National Health Survey more than 2 million Americans are currently practicing tai chi.

Tai chi is called a mind-body type of exercise because it combines meditation, focused breathing, and physical movement. Because it’s also a low-impact exercise, it may be particularly well suited for older adults, but it’s a beneficial exercise for people of all ages.

Tai chi developed in China as a type of martial art. No one is exactly sure of its origin, but legend has it that it was started by a Taoist monk named Chang San-Feng, who developed 13 exercises based on the movements of animals. Today tai chi is used to promote fitness, meditation, balance, breathing, and well-being.


Why people practice tai chi

Tai chi is a good aerobic exercise. But fitness is not the only benefit of tai chi. Here are other reasons to do tai chi:

  • To improve balance, flexibility, and coordination
  • To relieve pain and stiffness
  • To relax the mind and relieve stress
  • To improve breathing
  • To achieve an overall sense of wellness

What research shows about the benefits of tai chi

According to Chinese philosophy, tai chi works by using opposing forces within your body (a concept called yin and yang) to release your vital energy source, called your qi. Practicing tai chi may teach you better balance and get your qi flowing. Although it's hard to study yin and yang and qi, many studies do support the benefits of tai chi.

Research into tai chi has suggested many possible benefits:

  • Prevention of falls in older adults
  • Reduction of pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis
  • Reduction of pain in people with fibromyalgia

Tai Chi is one of the best known martial arts of the Internal systems from ancient China. Based on Qigong and martial art techniques from thousands of years ago, Chen Wangting developed the Chen Style Tai Chi around 1670. It is characterized by contrasting and complimentary movements-slow and soft versus fast and hard.

This martial art is an ancient Chinese tradition that has evolved over centuries. Some people use tai chi to help alleviate stress and anxiety. Others claim it promotes serenity and inner peace. People generally regard it as safe for individuals of all ages as it does not put too much stress on the muscles and joints.


In the Beginning It is almost impossible to separate Chinese martial art history from legend. Legends hold interesting and useful messages; thus, I will share some with you. The real origins of Tai Chi are obscure. The more romantic and mystical accounts date back as far as the 15th, 12th or even the 8th century. One legendary figure, Zhang Shanfeng, was a famous Taoist priest in the 15th century. He was believed to possess super-human ability and immense internal power.

Less romantic, but more reliably sourced, accounts of Tai Chi, date back to Chen Wangting, a 16th century Royal Guard of the Chen village in Wenxian County, Henan Province. After retiring from the army, he was drawn to the teachings of Taoism, which led him to a simple life of farming, studying and teaching martial arts.


The Future Since the 19th century, the Chinese have understood the immense health benefits of Tai Chi, and its popularity has grown steadily. Now, Tai Chi is practiced in almost every corner of the world. It is one of the most popular exercises today with more than 300 million participants. As we are surviving longer than our ancestors, chronic diseases such as arthritis and diabetes affect more of us, diminishing the quality of our lives. Increasing scientific and epidemiological evidence indicates that exercise is essential for prevention and management of these chronic diseases. Many studies have shown Tai Chi can deliver many health benefits.

The popularity of Tai Chi will take another quantum leap as more people experience its enjoyment and benefits.

Getting started

If it sounds like tai chi is something you might like to try, look for a tai chi class near you. Keep in mind that tai chi instructors do not have to be licensed, and training programs vary. You might want to ask around for a recommendation or try a class before you sign up. Ask potential tai chi instructors about their training and experience. Leia Cohen on You Tube video "tai chi five minutes per day is an excellent video easy for beginners, elders, and pros.  To get the greatest benefit from Tai Chi  it's not so important to have perfect technique but to practice daily with a goal of 100 Tai Chi exercises.  Use the simple Tai Chi challenge and mark each episode on your calendar 10, 20, 50, 70, 90, 100

Tai Chi is generally considered a low-risk exercise that’s both safe and enjoyable. If you have any physical or medical problems or are pregnant, talk with your health care provider before starting any exercise program. And remember, although Tai Chi has many benefits, it’s not a substitute for conventional medical care.

THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW: How many people practice Tai Chi in the world? The 21st-century incarnation of Tai Chi refers to a series of distinct and standard movements designed to promote physical and psychological well-being and practiced by over 300 million people worldwide.

THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE: Your excellent health and well being from practicing  TAI CHI.

ZENTRAVELER SAYS: Age has no barriers for practicing Tai Chi which can be done anywhere. Get off the couch and easy chair grasshopper and practice Tai Chi daily for health benefits and quality of life.

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