The basic concept of Quantum Jumping is that you can become anyone you can imagine; endowed with any talent, any skill. Here you will learn about the infinity of universes. The scientific concept of a vast endless sea of bubbles, each bubble containing a great universe. The concept of infinity is that there are an unending, all encompassing mass of events and people in one of those universes. There’s a twin self, of yours, in one of those universes in every situation imaginable. There are twin selves of yours who are kings and queens, selves who are great artists and musicians; there are also selves who are homeless; there are selves that are involved in situations that are beyond your imagining.
This is a basic quantum physics concept that many scientists accept; they do not however tell you how to reach these other selves, in those other universes. You cannot, they say, escape from your own bubble. But with the Quantum Jumping program we do exactly that as attested to by our hundred thousand plus participants in the program during the past two years. With a quantum jump you can reach that twin self and bring back to this reality the energy, or rhythm of that self.

One of the many ideas evolving from the concept of infinite ‘bubble’ universes is that of time. In infinity, everything that can be imagined is happening now. In the present reality there is no now as time is a flow always moving, the words you are reading are already in the past, look away from them and they exist only in your memory. But in an infinite universe, your twin selves exist in every occupation, with every talent and in every time. Picture the greater universe as an endless series of still photographs that become activated when they are observed. The still photographs encompass every moment of time and event imaginable from the birth of the universe to its demise in some unimaginable distant future.
Quantum Jumping is the most unique concept in a hundred years. Now you can be—whatever you can imagine yourself to be. All you need do is to quantum jump. Th
Quantum jumps
Quantum jumps are associated with the exchange of a quantum of energy between two system. The notion of quantum jumps goes back to the early days of quantum mechanics, when Einstein worried about wave-function collapse due to detection of a photoelectron. Bohr suggested that the interaction of light and matter occurs in such a way that the internal state of an atom undergoes an instantaneous transition upon the emission or absorption of a light quantum. These sudden transitions have become known as the Bohr–Einstein quantum jumps. In quantum optics, this quantum-jump approach has been developed and applied to solve dissipation problems. It is related to many concepts, including Monte-Carlo simulations, quantum trajectories, conditional density matrices, and collapse or reduction of a state vector [917–919]. Quantum jumps have also found important applications in quantum measurements, time and frequency standards, and precision spectroscopy.
Quantum jumps have been observed in various microscopic systems, first with trapped ions [920]. Photonic quantum jumps were first achieved in a one-electron cyclotron oscillator [921] and later in cavity QED [922,923]. The first experimental demonstration of quantum jumps between macroscopic quantum states used an SQC where a phase qubit coupled to two-level systems in a Josephson junction [924].
Circuit QED provides an excellent platform for studying quantum jumps and other types of measurement back-action. Quantum jumps between states of a superconducting qubit have been observed in real time by coupling the qubit to a microwave readout cavity . In similar setups, such jumps have also been used to investigate quasiparticle excitations limiting the coherence of a fluxonium qubit [925] and to test measurement back-action . Quantum jumps between photonic states have also been measured in a circuit-QED setup implementing quantum nondemolition (QND) parity measurements on a resonator using a transmon qubit.
In qubit systems, it is usually quantum jumps between the two energy eigenstates, also called the longitudinal pseudospin components, that is observed. However, a recent circuit-QED experiment has shown that quantum jumps also can occur between transverse superpositions of these eigenstates. This and the other experiments mentioned above further settle the dispute about whether the probabilistic predictions of quantum mechanics can be used to describe the dynamics of a single quantum system. Furthermore, realtime monitoring of a superconducting qubit and the observation of quantum jumps are very important steps towards implementing quantum feedback control and quantum error-correction codes (see Section 10.2.3) in quantum information processing.
THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW:A quantum jump is the abrupt transition of a quantum system (atom, molecule, atomic nucleus) from one quantum state to another, from one energy level to another. When the system absorbs energy, there is a transition to a higher energy level (excitation); when the system loses energy, there is a transition to a lower energy level.
THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE: Your sliderule from your engineering class.
ZENTRAVELER SAYS: Do the lindy hop. bungee jump. kangeroo jump, jack rabbit jump, base jump..... experience the new you with a quantum jump?
From here to Infinity is a relatively short ride! The next leg takes eons and eons as you fly through the Barycentric Dynamical Time Zone! …and on and on and on. Follow the Zentraveler Newsletter often for Travel, Health and Zen-like stories and such. Where else can you get a THREE IN ONE NEWSLETTER FOR THE PRICE OF FREE.