The Law of Vibration law states that we can attract anything we want by resonating at the same vibrational frequency of our desires. Everything has a vibrational frequency (measured in Hz)—every object, thought, emotion, job, house, friend, movie, restaurant, EVERYTHING has a vibration that it emits and receives.

One of the fundamental laws of the universe seems to be the law of Vibration. It says that almost everything moves, and nothing remains constant. Humans basically exist in a system of motion. When brain cells get activated, they set up a vibration in the body. Therefore, to move the hand, one needs to trigger brain cells to move the body, or the hand would not move. Brain-body coordination is always essential. Vibration is indeed a mechanical process that causes oscillations around a point of equilibrium.

The term originates from the Latin word, vibrationem (to shake or quiver). The oscillations can be regular, such as a pendulum's motion, or casual, such as rolling of tires on a gravel road. To illustrate further, the motion of a tuning spoon, the reed in a music instrument like piano, a mobile device, or the funnel of a loudspeaker are suitable for Vibration. Almost everything seems to vibrate through an external force.

The law of vibration, explained.

The second universal law, the law of vibration, posits that everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency.

As spiritual author Shannon Kaiser explains to mbg, "The speed or rate at which something vibrates is referred to as its frequency," with the only difference between one object and another being the rate of its vibration.

You can think of this frequency as vibrational energy. And according to author of Self-Care for Empaths and professional intuitive Tanya Carroll Richardson, "Someone's energy, or the energy of a physical space or a group of people, isn't something you can see or touch—but it's something you sense, feel, and react to."

The whole idea behind this law is not only that we all have a specific vibrational frequency but, further, that we can learn to adjust our vibration if we're caught in a low vibrational experience or scenario. "The more you attune to your own energy, the more you see how your vibes affect your entire experience," Kaiser adds.


As a lifelong surfer, and someone with a degree in Lasers and Electro-Optics, I have long believed in the truth of the sine wave.  The image of the Dao is ancient and an intuitive truth. I'm not smart enough to work with advanced physics but it just feels true.  It's nice to see some affirmation like this.  We have a long way to evolve, but I'm not confident we'll ever get there.  In the meantime, keep vibratin' everyone, and feel the rhythm.

Cut out low-vibrational people, places, and things.

And lastly, don't underestimate the effect the external world has on your vibration! The more you work with the law of vibration, the more you'll be able to hold your own vibe steady regardless of outside influence. However, those who are new to this work or are highly sensitive might find this challenging.

Of course, it's impossible to cut low-vibrational situations out of your life altogether. But when you do have the ability to do so, avoiding people, places, and things that drain your energy can help protect the high frequency you've been cultivating.

Law of vibration vs. law of attraction.

You might be wondering, how is this law different from the law of attraction? It's a good question, as they are similar—and can even work together.

As Kaiser explains, "The law of vibration is the first law that must happen before the law of attraction; in creating that vibration within yourself, you invoke the law of vibration deliberately, and only then can the law of attraction happen."

The law of vibration is about matching the specific frequency of what you're looking for, and the law of attraction takes this idea a bit further by allowing you to "create [the frequency] within yourself by any means, like visualization, meditation, or affirmations."

At the end of the day, whenever we're manifesting, we do need to work with these two laws so we can both attract and vibrate at the same level as what we want. "What you align with vibrationally is easier to attract," Richardson notes.

The bottom line.

The law of vibration shows us that everything is energy, and we can match the energy of anything we're looking to manifest. Along with the 11 other universal laws, this one can help us access a more aligned and abundant life.

THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW:Each of us has the power to choose. We can align our bodies and our behaviors to create harmony and consistency with the God within us. Just as we care for our bodies by choosing options and behaviors – food, exercise, freedom from addictions – to maintain our balance and remain in a state of health, we also must take care of our minds by choosing good thoughts.

Positive thoughts help us move on our journey to spiritual development. Other thoughts inhibit our progress or cause us to regress. When we learn to choose the good, we move toward spiritual goals with measured progress. This is the reason the Buddhist philsophy or religion is spot on in a war torn world.

THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE: Your reminders to raise your vibrations? Gratitude. Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to amp up your vibration: love, generosity, mediation & breathwork, forgiveness, eat high-vibe food, reduce or eliminate alcohol and toxins from your body, and think positive thoughts.

ZENTRAVELER SAYS:Use Tibetan Singing Bowls to remove negative energy and have good vibes. I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE?

From here to Infinity is a relatively short ride! The next leg takes eons and eons as you fly through the Barycentric Dynamical Time Zone! …and on and on and on.  Follow the Zentraveler Newsletter often for Travel, Health and Zen-like stories  and such. Where else can you get a THREE IN ONE NEWSLETTER FOR THE PRICE OF FREE.
