lack pyramid 'larger than Giza structures' is hidden beneath Alaska, US official claims

Agent Doug Mutschler claimed to uncover a huge subterranean pyramid buried in an enclave in Alaskan, larger than the one in Giza – then the government did all they could to 'hide it'

Doug believes the government 'buried' all info on the Black Pyramid

Deep underground the Alaskan wilderness may lie a ginormous black pyramid which is concealed by a top-secret government facility, a former US official claimed.

Ex-counterintelligence agent Doug Mutschler never intended to stumble upon the alleged spooky tomb. But, in September 1989, the espionage and terrorism specialist was posted to Fort Richardson on the outskirts of Anchorage – and his life changed forever.

The first thing that any agent would do is find their bearings for the area of operation, and since this was decades ago, Google wasn’t around to help. As Doug pulled out his old-school map, he said he noticed a whited-out enclave in the mountains which had not been filled in, and his suspicions were immediately raised.

“When I was putting the maps out, there was this one area that was whited-out which was inscribed with 'this area not surveyed to date',” he revealed in a video on Quest’s Youtube channel. “With my counterintelligence background [I knew] they’re hiding somethin

Life as an intelligence officer meant that you worked on a need to know basis. Doug quickly let his suspicions slide.

Fast forward to 1992, and China had just set off its biggest ever underground nuclear explosion – 70 times the explosive power of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Shockwaves were reportedly felt as far as Alaska and picked up by earthquake analysing equipment, and a local TV news station reported on an eerie finding.

They claimed a giant subterranean pyramid had shown up on the equipment. The agent recalled the news anchor reporting: “In Alaska, a pyramid was found larger than the one in Giza,” eclipsing it by almost 70-feet. Its position correlated exactly with the whited-out area on the map, Doug said.

The ominous Pyramid allegedly stands at 550ft, more that 70ft taller than Giza's Great structure (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The next evening, the agent waited eagerly for a follow-up report that never came. Baffled at the radio silence, Doug headed down to grab a copy of the report at a local station. That station manager allegedly denied that the story was ever put out. Meanwhile, a junior reporter overheard the conversation and anxiously pulled Doug aside. “‘Two guys came in and took the tapes,’” the counterintelligence officer said she told him – which to him meant one thing: they were burying the report.

A year passed with the events still whirling around Doug’s mind when, in 1993, he made the pilgrimage to Fort Meade in Maryland – the home of an extensive collection of military records.

'Burying' the evidence

The archivist at the facility noted the case and led him to where the redacted documents were situated. “I went into the second drawer, saw the Alaska folder,“ Doug said. “I took it out, didn’t know what it was and didn’t know what it contained but I brought it back and sat down.”

Moments later, two conspicuous-looking guys came over and said “you’re not authorised to have that”, before grabbing the papers of the cloak-and-dagger operation. Doug deemed that his journey to the truth had come to an end. All the while, his hunch remained.

Almost two decades later, Doug reach out for help from Emmy award-winning documentarian and investigative journalist, Linda Moulton Howe. She became renowned for her work as a ufologist and advocate of a number of conspiracy theories which swept Ame

Doug believes that the Pyramid is buried deep underground an enclave in Alaska (Image: Getty Images)

On August 10, Linda Moulton Howe first reported on a high strangeness finding in Alaska: an apparent buried pyramid about 50 miles from Mt. McKinley. She has followed up on this story, and the explosive results can be heard in an absolutely riveting witness interview in this edition of Dreamland. The pyramid is larger than the Pyramid of Cheops and is completely buried. It’s exact co-ordinates have been found, and the witness Linda interviews this week provides much more detail about what was going on there in recent years.

The object is apparently very old, both built and buried by unknown parties. It is believed by this week’s witness to have something to do with power generation and transmission. As there are so many very ancient pyramids in the world, it can be conjectured that there may once have been an advanced power grid on Earth, constructed and also hidden in the very distant past. Also, during the cold war era, the site was apparently off-limits, no doubt because it was in a militarily sensitive area, and even may have actually been used as a power source. There is no indication that it is classified now, but rather abandoned.”

THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW: A top-secret government facility beneath the Alaskan wilderness may be hiding an extraterrestrial pyramid. Strange forces within the Alaska Triangle are making wildlife more aggressive towards humans.

THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE:Your electric bill? Why pay electric bills when you can get electricity FOR FREE from the Universe.

ZENTRAVELER SAYS: Every pyramid on this planet was the ancient power plant.

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